Bruce Bueno de Mesquita – Vanessa M. Quirk
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita is a social scientist and an author. Vanessa M. Quirk is an interview host, an editor, and a journalist. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Vanessa M. Quirk.
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Episodes with Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Vanessa M. Quirk
Adaam Levin-Areddy
+ Vanessa M. Quirk
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
+ Alastair Smith
19 Oct 2020
• EN
You Can Be a Dictator, Too (w/ Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Alastair Smith)
Ten years ago, NYU political scientists Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith wrote "The Dictator's Handbook," which posited that all political leaders — from autocrats to democratically-elected officials — are governed by an uncomfortably similar set of rules and incentives. We thought now’s the perfect time to t