Bradley Jersak – Jonathan Puddle
Bradley Jersak is an author. Jonathan Puddle is an author, an interview host, and a member of the clergy. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Bradley Jersak and Jonathan Puddle.
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Episodes with Bradley Jersak & Jonathan Puddle
The necessity, perils and possibilities of deconstruction (with Brad Jersak)
The wonderfully wise and gentle Brad Jersak returns to the show, with a guest co-host! This special episode was recorded live when I was visiting Jonathan Martin recently, and we co-interviewed Brad about his latest book, Out of the Embers: Faith After the Great Deconstruction. We reflected on the historical precedence
Brad Jersak is an author and teacher who was raised Evangelical before embracing charismatic then Eastern Orthodox values and church practice. Drawing from a broad palette of theological understanding, Brad shared his thoughts about the God we see in Jesus, what The Cross was really about, and how to deal with Old Test