Drew Bond – Stu Turley
Drew Bond is a business executive. Stu Turley is a business executive, an interview host, and a publisher. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Drew Bond and Stu Turley.
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Episodes with Drew Bond & Stu Turley
ENB #92 Drew Bond, CEO, C3 Solutions/PowerField Energy - Just back from Budapest and Hungary and we talk energy crisis.
Drew Bond, President, and CEO of C3 Solutions, stopped by, and we talked about COP27 and its impact on the energy crisis. A little bit of full disclosure we recorded this podcast before he jetted off to Budapest and Hungary. He has a great story about his travels and what is happening right before Christmas with the EU
ENB #39 What is the best way to get to Carbon Net-Zero and provide low cost power to all communities? We talk to C3 Solutions CEO Drew Bond about answers.
This is a great podcast about the importance to get to Carbon Net-Zero through a plan to improve ESG and provide the lowest cost kWh to everyone. Let's use the markets and use the best energy source at the lowest cost and lowest impact to the environment. Let's use the markets and use the best energy source at the lowe