Beth Wonson – Katana Abbott
Beth Wonson is a business executive and coach / mentor. Katana Abbott is a coach / mentor, an interview host, and an entrepreneur. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Beth Wonson and Katana Abbott.
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Episodes with Beth Wonson & Katana Abbott
Katana and Beth look forward to discussing: The importance of setting goals. Why we sometimes resist setting goals. How to follow-through on our goals. Beth brings a wealth of leadership and management expertise with extensive experience in communication and self-management. You definitely don’t want to miss this show!
Special guest host Chris Freer will interview Speaker, Author and Executive Consultant, Beth Wonson. What are the three top rocks that steal our time and energy. How holding onto something can feel like it serves us. Simple strategies that facilitate letting go! Beth Wonson is a speaker, author, executive coach, busine