Adam Bell – John Sundell
Adam Bell is a software developer. John Sundell is a software developer, an interview host, and an author. We found 3 podcast interviews connecting Adam Bell and John Sundell.
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Episodes with Adam Bell & John Sundell
121: “Responsive and smooth UIs”, with special guest Adam Bell
Adam Bell returns to the podcast to discuss different techniques and approaches for optimizing UI code, and how to utilize tools like animations in order to build iOS apps that feel fast and responsive.
96: “Gesture-driven animations”, with special guest Adam Bell
Adam Bell returns to the show to talk about animations, both how to make great use of the built-in animation tools that the iOS SDK ships with, but also how to drive custom, gesture-driven animation logic and the sort of performance optimizations that are typically required when writing that sort of code.
Adam Bell joins John to talk about audio programming in Swift, and how SwiftUI makes rendering visual representations of audio and other custom shapes easier than ever before. Also, reverse engineering, mixing SwiftUI with UIKit and other view frameworks, and much more.