Ashley Rodriguez – Sahra Nguyen
Ashley Rodriguez is an editor, an interview host, and a media personality. Sahra Nguyen is an entrepreneur and a business executive. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Ashley Rodriguez and Sahra Nguyen.
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Episodes with Ashley Rodriguez & Sahra Nguyen
Redefining Specialty Coffee with Sahra Nguyen [145]
We’re taking a quick break from our Boss Barista takeover this week—folks are busy working on their projects, and will have lots to share with you soon—to revisit an episode from April 2020. Sahra Nguyen is the founder of Nguyen Coffee Supply, a coffee brand based in New York that’s dedicated to promoting specialty Vi
Sahra Nguyen on Vietnamese Coffee and Redefining the Meaning of Specialty [109]
Take a minute to think, “what does specialty coffee mean to you?” If you work in coffee, it might mean one thing, if you don’t work in coffee, it might mean another. The word “specialty” implies something unique, different, something that makes it different than just regular coffee, right? For something to be a special