Anthony Metivier – Nelson Dellis
Anthony Metivier is a cognitive scientist, an interview host, and a musician. Nelson Dellis is a coach / mentor, an author, and a media personality. We found 4 podcast interviews connecting Anthony Metivier and Nelson Dellis.
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Episodes with Anthony Metivier & Nelson Dellis
Everest Memory Masterclass: Is Nelson Dellis’s Course Good?
The Everest Memory Masterclass is relatively new. Is Nelson Dellis's online memory training any good? Find out in this honest review.
Nelson Dellis On Developing Your Memory Superpowers
Memory Champion and author Nelson Dellis talks about his new book, Memory Superpowers. It is an adventure filled guide you won't want to miss!
Nelson Dellis On Remember It! And Visual Memory Techniques
Looking for visual memory techniques? And I mean truly visual. In this episode of the Magnetic Memory Method Podcast, Nelson Dellis takes us behind the scenes of his new book, Remember It! No kidding: It is the most visual memory improvement book I have ever seen. Even better, Nelson shares his unique way of using the
Extreme Memory Improvement With Memory Champion Nelson Dellis
Ever wanted to unlock the extreme power of your memory? Meet this man. Nelson Dellis. He memorizes playing cards underwater and uses his memory talents to create good in the world, but more than that... he's on a mission to help and inspire you to do the same. Tune in to find out how...