Andrew Steinwold – Yury Lifshits

Andrew Steinwold is an investor, an interview host, and a business executive. Yury Lifshits is a business executive and an entrepreneur. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Andrew Steinwold and Yury Lifshits.

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Episodes with Andrew Steinwold & Yury Lifshits

Andrew Steinwold & Yury Lifshits 27 Apr 2022 • EN

Yury Lifshits - SuperDAO: The “Shopify” for DAOs - Zima Red ep 119

My guest today is Yury Liftshits. Yury is the founder of SuperDAO which is a platform for creating DAOs and DAO-related infrastructure. Essentially SuperDAO wants to become the one-stop-shop for all things launching, operating and expanding DAOs. This episode is crash course in the present and future of DAOs. Yury and

57 min
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