Adaam Levin-Areddy – Walter Russell Mead

Adaam Levin-Areddy is a musician, an interview host, and a journalist. Walter Russell Mead is an author and a journalist. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Adaam Levin-Areddy and Walter Russell Mead.

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Episodes with Adaam Levin-Areddy & Walter Russell Mead

Adaam Levin-Areddy + Vanessa M. Quirk & Walter Russell Mead 07 Sep 2022 • EN

Don't Blame Israel on the Jews (w/ Walter Russell Mead)

Foreign policy expert Walter Russell Mead’s new book — The Arc of a Covenant — kept Adaam up at night with its unique insight into the American-Israel relationship and its gripping historical anecdotes (Stalin! Truman! Roosevelt, oh my!). In this conversation, we investigate the culpability of “THE JEWS,” explore why g

89 min
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