Alex Halperin – Nic Juarez

Alex Halperin is an interview host, a journalist, and an editor. Nic Juarez is an editor and a journalist. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Alex Halperin and Nic Juarez.

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Episodes with Alex Halperin & Nic Juarez

Donnell Alexander + Alex Halperin & Nic Juarez 15 May 2020 • EN

Freezer Stash #3: WeedMaps' Nic Juarez on Cannabis Culture Evolution

For our final installment of this series, we bring you our once-exclusive 2019 discussion with the culture editor at Weedmaps. Nic joins Alex and Donny in talk about:Our rapidly changing cannabis cultureCreating content for Weedmaps, and the bravery of writing about weed.The refreshingly unglamorous portrayal of mariju

26 min
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