Adrian Swinscoe – Don Schuerman
Adrian Swinscoe is a consultant, an interview host, and an author. Don Schuerman is a business executive. We found 5 podcast interviews connecting Adrian Swinscoe and Don Schuerman.
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Episodes with Adrian Swinscoe & Don Schuerman
PegaWorld iNspire: Towards the autonomous enterprise and celebrating 40 years of innovation - Interview with Don Schuerman of Pega
Today’s interview is with Don Schuerman, the CTO and Vice President of Product Strategy and Marketing at Pegasystems. Don joins me today to talk about the upcoming PegaWorld iNspire, how excited Don feels about being back face-to-face again after four years, celebrating Pega's 40th anniversary and 40 years of innovatio
42% of workers feel that digital transformation efforts have made their job more complex - Interview with Don Schuerman of Pega
Today’s interview is with Don Schuerman, the CTO and Vice President of Product Marketing at Pega. Don joins me today to talk about a new report they have just released called Workforce Trends Report 2022, the headline findings, complexity in the enterprise, how it affects us, the impact and what we should be doing abou
Crushing complexity and keeping customer outcomes front and centre - Interview with Don Schuerman of Pega
Today’s interview is with Don Schuerman, the CTO and Vice President of Product Marketing at Pegasystems. Don joins me today to talk about customer experience and digital transformation, what sort of grade he would give us for our performance through the pandemic, the need for more fluidity, the response to the need for
A Center-Out business architecture enables better and more empathetic customer experiences - Interview with Don Schuerman of Pega
Today’s interview is with Don Schuerman who is the CTO & Vice President of Product Strategy and Marketing at Pegasystems. Don joins me today to talk about Pegaworld iNspire, Center-Out™, Process Fabric™, Ethical Bias Testing and what it is going to take to succeed and thrive, particularly when it comes to delivering an
The most successful companies start by improving one customer journey at a time - Interview with Don Schuerman
The most successful companies start by improving one customer journey at a time - Interview with Don Schuerman, CTO and Vice President of Product Marketing at Pegasystems.