Adam Auerbach – Marshall Poe
Adam Auerbach is an economist, a public official, and an anthropologist. Marshall Poe is an interview host, a historian, and an author. We found 2 podcast interviews connecting Adam Auerbach and Marshall Poe.
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Episodes with Adam Auerbach & Marshall Poe
Marshall Poe
Adam Auerbach
12 Oct 2020
• EN
Adam Auerbach, "Demanding Development: The Politics of Public Good Provision in India’s Urban Slums" (Cambridge UP, 2019)
India’s urban slums exhibit dramatic variation in their access to basic public goods and services—paved roads, piped water, trash removal, sewers, and streetlights. Why are some vulnerable communities able to secure development from the state while others fail? Author Adam Michael Auerbach, Assistant Professor at the S