Denis Nazarov – Joel Monegro

Denis Nazarov is an entrepreneur, investor, and interview host. Joel Monegro is an investor, a business executive, and an entrepreneur. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Denis Nazarov and Joel Monegro.

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Episodes with Denis Nazarov & Joel Monegro

Jesse Walden + Denis Nazarov & Chris Burniske + Joel Monegro 12 Feb 2019 • EN

a16z Podcast: Cryptonetworks as Emerging Economies (Done Right?)

with Chris Burniske (@cburniske), Joel Monegro (@jmonegro), Denis Nazarov (@Iiterature), and Jesse Walden (@jessewldn) When designing cryptonetworks -- really, emerging economies -- how do we avoid some of the monetary and fiscal policy failings of "real-world" economies? Like not separating currency and capital, which

45 min
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