Return To Authenticity

Updated: 15 May 2024 • 96 episodes

Join the Return to Authenticity podcast where host Eric Sardina interviews guests who have made awesome and inspiring pivots in their lives toward their authentic selves, toward their values and purpose in life and toward lives filled with meaning and fulfillment. Our guests often felt out-of-sync, empty, or just plain stuck at some point in their lives before making the return to authenticity shift that made all the difference. Join us weekly to hear these stories and be inspired to explore your own alignment with your authentic self and the life you were born to live. 

Show episodes

Episode 91! Meet Michael Jaquith.  This was a great conversation with a doctor of science - Michael has his PhD in Chemistry from Cornell - who is also a man of deep faith.  Michael left his corporate job after 10 years to help men optimize their family lives, their marriages and their business relationships by guiding

82 min
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Episode 90!   Kathy Hadizadeh shares an amazing story of determination and perseverance to immigrate to the United States from her home country of Iran after the country spiraled from being a modern, Westernized country into a oppressed country in chaos after a revolution in the 70"s.   Kathy goes on to lead an amazing

71 min
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Episode 89 is here!  We officially kick off the new season, Season 3, with Michael O"Brien.  Michael was a super successful executive in marketing, leading a $700 million brand and had all the trappings of success.  Below the surface, though he was continually feeling like he had to "chase happiness" before he "made it

80 min
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Episode 88 - our final episode of 2023 and season 2! Tessa Arnold is the COO and Co-Founder of SnapBack Energy, a caffeine-free energy drink supplement.  She came to this role after her late-husband’s passing, leaving behind a career in banking and diving headlong into the mind-body connection, studying neuroplasticity

66 min
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Episode 87!  Cyrus Rustom grew up in the UK and joined the Royal Marine Commandos as young as he possibly could - not even 16 years old!  After barely surviving selection, he deploys to Afghanistan where he is severely injured in a non-combat accident that ends his military career.  Life becomes an adventure of partyin

83 min
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Episode 86! After graduating as a Chiropractic Physician, and buying a practice, Dr. Greg Pursley had a goal of becoming a multi-millionaire by the age of 30.  This was put on hold when his second child was born with a rare and life-threatening illness.  His life took a turn into chaos as he tried to keep all the balls

54 min
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