Nilay Patel

Nilay Patel

58 Interviews

Nilay Patel's Interviews

Today, I’m talking with Representative Ro Khanna, a Democrat from California. He’s been in Congress for eight years now, representing California’s 17th District, which is arguably the highest-tech district in the entire country. You’ll hear him say a couple of times that there’s $10 trillion of tech market value in his

54 min
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Nilay Patel & Kashmir Hill 17 Oct 2023 • EN

Clearview AI and the end of privacy, with author Kashmir Hill

Today, I’m talking to Kashmir Hill, a New York Times reporter whose new book, Your Face Belongs to Us: A Secretive Startup’s Quest to End Privacy as We Know It, chronicles the story of Clearview AI, a company that’s built some of the most sophisticated facial recognition and search technology that’s ever existed. As Ka

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Today, I’m talking to Demis Hassabis, the CEO of Google DeepMind, the newly created division of Google responsible for AI efforts across the company. Google DeepMind is the result of an internal merger: Google acquired Demis’ DeepMind startup in 2014 and ran it as a separate company inside its parent company, Alphabet,

62 min
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Gary Vaynerchuk & Nilay Patel 07 Jul 2023 • EN

Self Awareness Over Everything | A Candid Chat with Nilay Patel

On today's episode, I am joined by Nilay Patel, Editor-in-chief of the Verge. We talk about following human attention, how I make decisions, NFTs, as well as many other topics. This is a very well-rounded episode that dives deeper than just business. it's about real life and how I handle mine. Check out Nilay and Decod

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Nilay Patel & David Baszucki 27 Jun 2023 • EN

Why CEO David Baszucki is ready for Roblox to grow up

Roblox has 66 million daily users, and people spent 14 billion collective hours on Roblox in just Q1 of 2023. But its CEO David Baszucki still wants to see the company grow.  One idea? Aging up the kinds of experiences that are allowed on its platform. Roblox recently introduced 17+ experiences. It wants to add new AI

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Nilay Patel & Gary Vaynerchuk 21 Jun 2023 • EN

Gary Vaynerchuk is ‘petrified’ of Slack

If you’ve spent more than two minutes somewhere on social media, you have probably come across Gary Vaynerchuk. For years I have wondered, is this just a character? Or is there a real Gary Vaynerchuk somewhere behind “GaryVee,” the social media entrepreneur and internet brand? Gary got his start working at his family’s

50 min
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Podcasts with Nilay Patel


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