Matt Kibbe

Matt Kibbe

24 Interviews

Matt Kibbe's Interviews

There was a time when the Democratic Party marketed itself as a home for the anti-war Left, with protesters routinely showing up at Republican events to condemn American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, with the election of Barack Obama, those voices fell silent, and since then, both major political partie

51 min
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Matt Kibbe & Eric Brakey 15 May 2024 • EN

Ep 279 | States Are Laboratories of Liberty | Guest: Eric Brakey

At the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, Matt Kibbe sits down with Maine state Senator Eric Brakey, who talks about his legislative accomplishments and his transition into the role of executive director of the Free State Project. Brakey explains that state governments are in the best position to be leaders on building mains

50 min
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Tim & Co join Matt Kibbe for a spicy bonus segment usually only available on Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

47 min
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Sprouting from a graduate student’s thought experiment in 2001, over the last 20 years, the Free State Project has made a significant impact on the state of New Hampshire by gathering like-minded, liberty-loving folk who share a passion for freedom and independence. At this year’s New Hampshire Liberty Forum, Matt Kibb

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After the Twitter Files revealed that government agencies pressured social media companies into suppressing dissident speech during lockdowns, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya was one of several plaintiffs who challenged this clear violation of the First Amendment in court. Now, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments about whether

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This week, the US House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban TikTok if it is not sold by the Chinese-based ByteDance company. In this Episode, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard sat down with Matt Kibbe to discuss the further implications of the bill, and how it is a form of government overreach that will be

8 min
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Podcasts with Matt Kibbe


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