Randy Sklar
+ Jason Sklar
Jay Mohr
View from the Cheap Seats with the Sklar Brothers
Jay Mohr
31 May 2019
• 60 min
• EN
At the top of the show, Randy and Jason talk Lakers drama. Then Jay Mohr joins the show to talk: how to fix the Jets, Andy Pettitte, favorite announcers, Jay's Vin Scully story, rooting for animals, and the famous fake $20 bill prank story! In Quick Hits: A donut shop tries to hex the Warriors, Al Unser Jr's DUI, and a sexist Squash prize! In a Stitcher Premium exclusive segment: a deep dive into the mysterious possibly horse-related Cespedes injury! Then to wrap up the show: a new friend, the great Al Pacino, leaves a voicemail!
From "View from the Cheap Seats with the Sklar Brothers"
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