The #1 Shift That Saved Our Marriage, Chase’s Perspective

02 May 2024 • 12 min • EN
12 min
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If you listened to our recent episode about Why Our Marriage Almost Didn’t Survive Our 20’s - here is the follow up episode as promised. My husband Chase is back on the show sharing what saved our marriage, and they are tips every couple can use regardless of what your relationship looks like today. From communicating what you need in your relationship to taking radical responsibility for yourself, this conversation is full of incredible ways to have a stronger marriage than ever before. Highlights 01:15 Are you continuing to choose your partner? 02:45 The power of being around other couples who have great relationships with their spouses. 04:45 How our roles reversed and it changed everything. 10:00 The power of taking radical responsibility for your part in your marriage. Links + Resources: Get my framework for more abundance, meaning, and connection in my book - What Do You Really Want? Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here! Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT! Check out the program to Rewire YOU for Business & take your business to the next level! CONNECT WITH  CAYLA! Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft Website Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

From "CRAFTED Entrepreneur"

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