045: How to Get Into Alignment With What Is Speaking To Your Soul

22 Jul 2021 • 33 min • EN
33 min
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When you wake up in the middle of the night feeling antsy, or you can’t sleep because you know it tomorrow will be another day; or maybe you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, you feel like you’re stuck in an everlasting loop. You know there is something more for you! Perhaps an idea that’s been percolating inside of you but you’re too afraid to claim it!. Whether it’s starting a podcast, writing that book, launching that business, creating that online course, or just doing something different that speaks to your soul, know that no matter where you are today, you can continue to emerge, evolve, and navigate to what feels aligned and right for you. Life is too short to live a life where we feel stuck and unhappy! That’s why I want you to tune in to me and my next guest Brooke Monohan, a life coach, mentor, podcaster, and writer who helps entrepreneurs and leaders bring their greatest gifts to the world, to learn: How to Get in Alignment with What Speaking to Your Soul; and... How aligning your business to your purpose can unlock unlimited possibilities How to stop getting obsessed with perfectionism and learn to trust yourself How to realign yourself when you find out your alignment is of course The 3 steps you must take to start shifting your mindset to align your purpose with your passion. And so much more...When you wake up in the middle of the night feeling antsy, or you can’t sleep because you know it tomorrow will be another day; or maybe you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, you feel like you’re stuck in an everlasting loop. You know there is something more for you! Perhaps an idea that’s been percolating inside of you but you’re too afraid to claim it!. Whether it’s starting a podcast, writing that book, launching that business, creating that online course, or just doing something different that speaks to your soul, know that no matter where you are today, you can continue to emerge, evolve, and navigate to what feels aligned and right for you. Life is too short to live a life where we feel stuck and unhappy! That’s why I want you to tune in to me and my next guest Brooke Monohan, a life coach, mentor, podcaster, and writer who helps entrepreneurs and leaders bring their greatest gifts to the world, to learn: How to Get in Alignment with What Speaking to Your Soul; and... How aligning your business to your purpose can unlock unlimited possibilities How to stop getting obsessed with perfectionism and learn to trust yourself How to realign yourself when you find out your alignment is of course The 3 steps you must take to start shifting your mindset to align your purpose with your passion. And so much more...

From "Stop Living with Monsters"

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