Audio Branding

Updated: 05 Jun 2024 • 239 episodes

Keeping a consistent sound in how you present your company really is the "hidden gem" of marketing. But audio or sonic branding influences us in many different ways and in many different places within our lives. Education is key! I'll be exploring that here, both with my own observations and by interviewing knowledgeable professionals in the field of advertising, marketing, music and science.

Show episodes

“I think a part of that is because, you know, 75% of people, like, on Facebook, will not listen to sound, so they don’t really equate it as much, or they don’t understand the value of it. However, sound is very, like, people are very unforgiving when it comes to sound. So people take in 50% of the experience through so

25 min
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“The piano is the same way. The piano has a hammer that goes like that on the string. The harpsichord has a pintrip that is plucked, all right? What do you do on the guitar? You actually pluck the string or hit it like a hammer in a way. So, in a certain way of thinking, the guitar is not the stringed instrument that e

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“And so the concert comes, and, about the ending piece of the concert. I didn’t know who I was. All that vanity and ego, ‘I’m a classical musician,’ all of that stuff, those labels go right out the window. And why is that? Because it’s down to survival time now.” -- Jonathan Taylor This episode’s guest is a California

23 min
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“The way to get your rates up is to make them realize that you’re like the supply, and demand works in your favor if the supply is one, right? If you’re the only person doing this thing, not the only person mixing, not the only person doing, I don’t know, a Scottish Gen Z accent, I don’t know what the equivalent would

33 min
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“It was when I started figuring out, without knowing what it was called, because I also didn’t have any marketers in my life growing up. But when I was finding gigs for myself when I was the freelancer, mercenary, playing with a bunch of different people, I had to learn what these people are looking for. How do I figur

34 min
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When you think about shopping, what sound comes to mind? It might be the carts rolling up and down the aisles, or maybe the beeps of the scanners when you’re standing in the check-out line. Music might not be the first thing that crosses our minds, but it’s almost always in the background of our shopping trips, and it

6 min
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