James Altucher – Brian Keating

James Altucher is an interview host, investor, and author. Brian Keating is an astrophysicist, a physicist, and an interview host. We found 31 podcast interviews connecting James Altucher and Brian Keating.

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Episodes with James Altucher & Brian Keating

Join my mailing list https://briankeating.com/list to win a real 4 billion year old meteorite! All .edu emails in the USA 🇺🇸 will WIN! A couple of months ago, I had the pleasure of chatting with James Altucher. James is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, bestselling author, and host of The James Altucher show.  I

52 min
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James Altucher & Brian Keating 30 Jan 2024 • EN

When Should You Give Up on Something Important? | Brian Keating (Part 2)

From James: So this is part two of our interview with astrophysicist Brian Keating, but it's completely different from part one. Completely different topics, 100%. What this episode ultimately boiled down to is: When should you give up on something that's important to you? And we also talk about some BS that's been hap

41 min
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James Altucher & Brian Keating 19 Jan 2024 • EN

Black Holes, Worm Holes, and the Origin of Everything

One of the smartest people in history, the author of Losing the Nobel Prize and Think Like a Nobel Prize Winner - and he did almost win the Nobel Prize. Maybe he will one day do it. -  Professor Brian Keating, physicist extraordinaire! We've divided this conversation in two because first, I was really curious about bla

52 min
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James Altucher & Brian Keating 10 Aug 2023 •

Beyond Stars and Conspiracies | A Cosmic Chat with Brian Keating

Ever wondered just how vast our universe truly is or if there's any truth to those compelling space conspiracies? In this episode of the James Altucher Show, James sits down with Brian Keating, a renowned astrophysicist, to delve deep into the cosmos. They chat about the groundbreaking findings from the James Webb Spac

92 min
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Dr. Brian Keating and celebrated bestselling author and podcast host James Altucher, discuss and debate ideas for new higher learning frameworks, focused on remote and metaverse learning and the concept of virtual mentors - 3D-rendered avatars of interactive historical figures built using large language models and natu

91 min
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James Altucher & Brian Keating 13 May 2023 • EN

Rebuilding Higher Education for the 21st Century | Brian Keating

Dr. Brian Keating - the Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of Physics at the Center for Astrophysics & Space Sciences (CASS) in the Department of Physics at the University of California, San Diego - has been working in higher education for 25 years. Still, today he's facing an identity crisis. Brian has become disill

85 min
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