Brendan Mahan – Rick Webster

Brendan Mahan is a media personality, a coach / mentor, and an interview host. Rick Webster is a business executive, an entrepreneur, and a media personality. We found 1 podcast interview connecting Brendan Mahan and Rick Webster.

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Episodes with Brendan Mahan & Rick Webster

Brendan Mahan & Rick Webster 15 May 2021 • EN

ADHD and Financial Literacy with Rick Webster of Rena-Fi

Today, we’re talking to Rick Webster.  Rick is the CEO and leader of Rena-Fi, a practical, research-based financial education platform.  He is also an ADHD Coach, and long-time associate of the ADHD organizations ADDA, and CHADD.  And he has ADHD. In this episode, Rick talks to us about financial literacy.  We discuss

43 min
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